Thursday, October 29, 2020

Cats, part four

 The final batch of the Cats of Crumptown from Northumbrian Tin Soldier.

The whole batch of painted cats and accessories.


  1. More fantastic felines! They look marvellous!
    Best Iain

  2. Thanks! It was fun painting them. Now I'm painting a few other mostly non-feline mines from the same batch and thinking about what I want to do next for minis (paint some of the ones I already have, buy something new, or maybe some kickstarter will deliver by the time I'm ready for them).

  3. That is quite the clowder of cats you've put together! (I had to look up what the name for a group of cats was - wasn't sure if there even WAS one - cats, not being the type of critter that are normally associated with forming groups - "herding cats" and all)

    1. Thanks!
      Next post coming up soon is the last of the minis I got with the Cats kickstarter. Mostly not cats.

  4. Lovely stuff. The Northumbrian Tin Soldier do some wonderful figures. I’ve restrained myself so far - but I may weaken.

    What’s the plan for the cats?

    1. Thanks!
      No plans for them really at this time. As I often do I just bought them because I liked how they looked and wanted to paint them. But who knows, maybe some day I will find a way to game with them. They would fit well with the Reaper mouslings, for example. (cat and mouse game? :P)
