Monday, September 9, 2024

Map Time

 I drew this little map for myself, for a little RPG called Under Hill, By Water, written by Josh McCrowell.

The game includes a map for players to add to and draw on, but I wanted to make my own map from scratch, for the fun of it.

I created a couple of characters, too. Miss Larkspur Longshot, a fletcher, who resides at number 1 on the map; and Mister Olliver "Ollie" Underfoot, an antiquarian, who resides at number 13 on the map. The proprietor of the Whistle & Pig is Chuffnell "Chuffy" Alesmith. The inn is renowned for the quality of its stews.

That's as far as I have gotten. The title page of the game says "This game is about capturing your aunt's escaped ornery goat", "This game is about growing the biggest turnip for the Harvest Festival", "This game is about gathering rare ingredients for a birthday feast", "This game is about being simple and silly". It's not designed as a solo RPG, and there are mentions of a GM and other players, but I'll see what can do solo.


  1. Excellent looking map, sounds like it could be fun and suit your collection of figures!
    Best Iain

  2. Thanks, guys!
    I do have a nice collection of halfling minis, including a good number of civilians.
    I have now also populated the rest of the village.
