I managed to end the old year with a board game play through, of Descent 2: Journeys in the Dark, First Blood scenario, played solo with 2 characters. It was a quick game/scenario - actually the playing time was less than the setup time, because I had to look up lots of things and find all the bits and pieces and sort everything out. Hopefully I can get more games in and get quicker at setup.
And then I started the new year with another play through of a board game. In this case, Relic Expedition, which isn't designed as a solo game at all, but I tried it out using a solo variant I found on Board Game Geek. It wasn't bad, but not entirely satisfying either.
I hope to play more games this year, and paint more miniatures, and maybe even get started in an actual solo rpg.
Happy New Year and Happy Gaming to all!
If you can’t beat them..
4 hours ago
And to you sir!
Happy New Year, and good solo gaming too!